DATE: 12/31/2007 02:11:27 PM
So, if everybody else is doing it, then I wanna do it too - sharing my ten favourite layouts of 2007.
To tell you the truth, some of my most favourite ones are still under wraps, as they are being published at some stage in 2008 - so I had to find some others, which was really hard. Not that I think my work is so stunningly beautiful that everything I do is simply divine, but it's more a case of which mood I am in. Some of my layouts that I really dig today wouldn't even get the snort of approval tomorrow - I am weird like that :)
To cut a long story short - these are the ten layouts I would pick today (and today last night I chose some different ones....) as being my favourite ones for 2007. There is no rhyme nor reason for the chosen ones, they just appeal to me right now.
Last but by no means least - Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has read my blog, left comments, emailed me - it is much appreciated. I love writing my blog and I love how many wonderful people I have met through it as well ((((((((HUGS)))))))
Have a wonderful New Years Eve and raise a glass or two for a spectacular successful 2008
TITLE: ~*~ Panic Button ~*~
DATE: 12/29/2007 06:38:30 PM
I did not know that my beloved Nikon D50 comes complete with a panic button....oh yes. But let's start at the beginning.
The last two days have easily been the most hectical and stressful during this holiday season, simply because I packed everything that I needed to do into them...On Thursday I met up with the wonderful {anam} and her family for a cuppa at Costa in Southampton. It was fabulous to finally meet her in person and if you think that her daughter Fay is a cutie in the pictures - well let me tell you that this child is stunningly beautiful. Seriously - Fay is gorgeous with a capital "G" and such a polite little girl. She won me over the minute Anam and me were standing at the checkout in Paperchase and she just came over to me, smiled and hugged me...I was like "erm, ok I wonder if Anam and Ian would notice if I just take Fay home with me..."
Hopefully next year we get to meet up again and then for a wee bit longer!
Oh and of course I just HAD to buy something in the Paperchase Sale - it would have been rude not too. I simply adore the flourish ribbon and the flourish bookmarks. That long flowery thing is a garland and I saw its true layout potential the minute I cast my eyes on it. The metal clips are such fun too - have I mentioned lately that I *heart* Paperchase?
Then yesterday, the in laws came to visit. Lyndon's sister, brother in law and nephew - who we haven't sen for almost three years weird, as it doesn't even feel that long! Anyhoo, shortly before they arrived I took a picture of something in my scraproom and completely freaked because my zoom didn't work anymore and every picture I took was blurry. As I only took a picture the evening before and hadn't touched the camera since, I started to panic...A LOT. I mean, here I was almost in tears thinking that I would have to find another couple of hundred £££ to get it repaired.
I searched, looked, tried pressing various buttons and stuff but to no avail - only blurry pictures were produced. So, I tried not to cry and enjoy our visitors. If you know me, then you are aware that things like the broken camera will keep on going through my mind no matter how nice the company, so I kept nipping back into the craft room to take another look and have another try taking a picture.
That is when I found the panic button.
Situated slightly underneath the lense is a wee button that you can set to either AF or M - this one was set to M, so I just switched it to AF and tried taking a picture again - HALLELUJAH!!!! It was back to normal and I could stop panicking! I have no idea what that button is good for but I am pretty sure that if I wouldn't bleach my hair you would find that the button caused me a few grey hairs....
TITLE: ~*~ We have a winner !!!! ~*~
DATE: 12/26/2007 10:00:00 AM
Happy Boxing Day everyone!
So, how have you been?? Feeling all stuffed and ready to go on a diet??
Well, stick a fork in me coz I am done.....too much to eat, too much to drink and too much time spent online. The next two days will see even more eating and drinking - so glad when I can stop stuffing myself *bwahahahaha*
Anyhoo, I promised you two things, right? First of all the winners of my blog giveaway. Are you ready??
Lyndon picked Number - 17:
Wow, I never win, but I love Rusty Pickle and no one seems to carry it where I live!! Posted by: Lori | December 16, 2007 at 02:54 PM
I picked Number - 57:
Fabulous!!!!! I would like to have Acrylic sheet....Wish you merry christmas! :)
Posted by: Katey | December 17, 2007 at 12:17 AM
So, congratulations to Lori and Katey, please email me with your address details so I can get the goodies in the post (I won't be able to do this before the New Year though).
Thanks everyone for playing along - that was such fun and I can promise you that I will have another Giveaway in the not too distant future.
Lastly can I say how giddy I was when I got a Christmas Email from my hero?? The wonderful and uber talented {vicki chrisman} had my email addy on her Xmas list....woooohooooo. Thanks chica, you made my day!
TITLE: ~*~ Merry Christmas ~*~
DATE: 12/25/2007 01:04:28 PM
Looks more like a WET Christmas over here, instead of the WHITE we were all hoping for, but regardless of that - I feel very blessed!
See, Lyndon and I did not go out and buy presents this year as we didn't have much money to spend this year - but thank heavens for online and real life friends who ensured that I had something to unwrap this morning.
I was part of three Secret Santa swaps actually and I am more then pleased with what I received as all my Secret Santa's were not only generous but also very thoughtful. There is still one Santa which I can't figure out....she has done a perfect job of hiding her real identity.
Now I would like to say thank you to the following lovely people who have touched my life over the last year and/or with their presents.
First there is Karen, who I never met or had contact with but she was part in the Secret Christmas Ornament Swap, my good friend {nat} hosted on her blog. Karen, who also turns out to be a very good friend of Nat, made me an incredibly gorgeous Santa Mouse....I am in love
Thank you so much Karen, I will write more to you personally in an email soon
Then we had the Secret Santa Swap on {uncensored scrap} and I was so dang lucky that my Santa was by sheer luck another one of my friends, the wonderful {andrea}. She knows me so well and I already salivated when I saw how the main parcels was wrapped - in a skull bag
But that was nothing compared to what was inside - an infusion of various bits and bobs of everything that I love - blossoms, chipboard, stuff to alter and more skulls as far as the eye could see. As a little inside joke I even got a pack of eating paper {sorry everyone, but the story is too long winded to tell, you have to trust me that I laughed so much I almost peed in my pants when I saw the paper - Andrea you owe me another Tena now}. Thanks so much for being so generous - I LOVE everything you sent!
Then there was the Secret Santa Swap at {scrapitude} - and here I seriously have NO idea at all, who my Secret Santa was. All I can tell you is that this lady is incredibly thoughtful and must listen to all the hot air that's coming out of my mouth...because not only did I receive {again} the kind scrapping bits I love like the Maya Road tin filled with sheer journaling spots, of no....this secretive lady remembered that my new fave perfume is Daisy by Marc Jacobs and in one of the wonderful festive organdy bags, was a little treasure in form of a Daisy sample! And then this glorious elf got me a set of 12 silicon muffin forms, remembering full well that I am totally addicted to muffins. Thanks so much Secret Santa, whoever you are!
Last but by no means least, I received a couple of little presents out of the blue and they made me very happy.
Thank you Dawn - I can always rely on you to fatten me up with my fave chocolate and you had my laughing so much with the German themed buttons. would you believe it that I have been looking for something like that for ages?? Thanks hun, that was very thoughtful, especially seeing that you have your hands full with the twins right now, it means a lot that you thought about me too.
Then there is {sandie}, another wonderful online friend of mine. I couldn't believe the cutest box of "sweeties" she sent me. I think our {trace}showed us that idea some time ago, but please correct me if I am wrong. This is the best way of spreading a little happiness without it being a lifetime on my hips...he he.
A box full of scrappin' sprinkles - thanks so much San, what an awesome present and your little note almost made me bawl.
Don't forget to check back tomorrow when Lyndon and I are picking the winners for my Giveaway and i will also showcase the wonderful cards I received from my friends across the globe. Everyone made such awesome cards it would be a shame to not share them.
Oh, and I almost forgot - the December winner is up on the {rusty pickle blog}
TITLE: ~*~ Crap & Yum ~*~
DATE: 12/22/2007 07:17:20 PM
Have you ever managed to break one of your punches just by using it for what it's intended?? Holy crap, I did that the other day and it had to be one of my most used ones; the 2" circle punch....all I did was punch through one sheet of cardstock and the bloomin' thing just died on me and broke into pieces.
Tip: Before you use your new punches, punch them at least 4 - 5 times through greaseproof paper. This will make them work smoother, it's almost as if you grease them without the grease on your fingers and tool, kwim? And after you have used the punch quite some time, sharpen it by punching through some foil.
After my Christmas was saved with the delivery of the punches, I was able to relax and finally get cracking on with my traditional Christmas cake. It is not a Christmas cake Per Se, but as I only ever do it around this time it has evolved into our traditional cake :)
If you would have told me ten years ago that I would go ga-ga over a cake which is filled with glace cherries (I used to hate them), sultanas and apricots I would have laughed in your face and declared you a nutter. The thought of actually eating (never mind touching) a glace cherry had the be the most revolting thing ever.
Than I was given a slice of fruitcake (which in itself makes me shudder just thinking of cake filled with dried fruits....bleck) some years back and much to my surprise I LOVED it. So I went on the hunt for recipes all over the net. I am not sure where I found my particular recipe for Iced Apricot Fruit Loaf, as I copied it (hand written...bless) into my big bad recipe book.

DE-LI-CIOUS....yum yum. I already ate three of them and now I feel sick....but that won't stop me having one for breakfast tomorrow. And once they are all gone I am gonna do another load - after all, I need to get rid off all that delicious stuff before my diet starts in the New Year
TITLE: ~*~ Wow ~*~
DATE: 12/19/2007 10:34:56 PM
WOW #1 -> almost 100 comments from you guys for a chance to win some RP goodies on {this} post. You can still leave comments until Sunday night (UK time - GMT) to be in with a chance to win. Duplicate posts do not count I am afraid.
I am quite amazed at the amount of comments but it shows that you all love the new {rusty pickle} stuff as much as I do. You can expect more creations with various acrylic shapes (all I say is ARROWS!!!!!) in the coming weeks from me as I am totally and utterly hooked!
WOW #2 some of you might remember that I was announced part of the first ever Design Team for {the embellishment studio} starting from January 2008. I recently bought one of their fantastic Hodge Podge Kits (the November one to be exact) and yesterday I was able to drool over the gorgeousness, that is ribbon, embellies and the Making Memories Noteworthy Minibook. I am convinced that you get fantastic value for money and as the Hodge Podge Kits always sell out in a flash, I would suggest you sub for either 3 or 6 months. I was also very fortunate to receive the {basic kit - december} and I started creating with those luscious ribbons already.
Oh and before I forget - we finally have a gallery up at the brand new {forum}so come on, stop buy and share your craft with us!
WOW #3 -> Christmas is almost upon us....*snigger*
TITLE: ~*~ Giveaway ~*~
DATE: 12/16/2007 10:21:15 AM
There was a method to my madness when I asked in my last post how you liked the new {rusty pickle} papers and acrylic sheets....
As it is the season to be jolly and because my shape is changing more and more into Santa Claus' I am feeling very christmassy and would like to give some stuff away.
Two lucky winners will get the following:
2 sheets of 8" acrylic circles
1 sheet of the acrylic flower shape
2 sheets of the Lucky Papers
All you need to do to win, is leave a comment on this post between now and Christmas Eve and on Boxing Day, I have Lyndon draw a number and I will draw one too. The comments corresponding to the number will win the above parcel (which will NOT ship before the New year though)
That means, aside from the Rusty Pickle DT you will be the only people to able to already play with those 8" sheets - how cool is that?
Tell your friends to come over here and leave a comment too, after all there are two sets to give away and everyone can play, no matter where in the world you are based
Last but by no means least, Lori asked the question if the Celtic designs are already on the paper and the answer is "yes". The LUCKY collection features heavily on Celtic/Irish design and it's such amazing fun to work with them!
Now go and comment - good luck to you all!
TITLE: ~*~ I should be so LUCKY ~*~
DATE: 12/12/2007 08:39:27 PM
I was so giddy with excitement last night when I came home and found an envelope from {rusty pickle}on my desk....finally I got my hands on the brand new LUCKY collection and I also received some more of the new acrylic shapes....those 8" circles are DA BOMB!
Seriously, how can you NOT want to have the papers and the sh apes?? As soon as I wolfed down my dinner I started creating and the first thing that came to mind when I saw the 8" circle was "clock". Together with the circular patterns of the new collection, it was a logical choice to combine them.
The clock does work btw. I usually buy clock movements on {ebay}and was lucky to still have one set waiting for the perfect opportunity to turn it into a clock...
So, what do you think of these huge Acrylic sheets and of the new papers?
TITLE: ~*~ Rushing around the Christmas tree ~*~
DATE: 12/10/2007 03:42:41 PM
Man.....I thought by now I would be all relaxed and looking forward to the peaceful Christmas time.
Can you say HA!
There are all of a sudden so many things happening at once in my private and my business life that I don;t know where to turn first. But it's all good stress - it is very productive and at the end of the year I will have a lot to show for, so I don't regret a single thing.
Last Saturday my co-workers and me were invited for drinks, dinner and party to celebrate our new Ocean Liner {queen victoria} and it was a very pleasant evening with lots of drink and nice food. This afternoon she is going to be officially named and tomorrow she will start on her Maiden Voyage.
Needless to say I had lots of catching up to do yesterday as I haven't scrapped for what feels like years (ok so it was really only a week or so but to me that is almost like a year) and I sat down and got totally into it. Managed to finish two layouts in no time at all and if it wouldn't have been for work this morning I would have stayed up all through the night to carry on. **papers - Danyeela**stickers - Junkitz**
Thankfully I had half the day off today, so I could go home at noon and will be able to scrap some more - whaddaya mean, I am obsessed????
Oh, I totally forgot to mention this but at {fresh pages} you can buy a Kit that was put together by yours truly! Yup, Brianne asked me a couple of months ago if I would be up for it and OF COURSE I was. Just gotta love that colour combination - the blues and the greens work so well together and I think it's a fantastic Kit for December layouts. Please let Brianne know if you have been directed from my blog to the shop, should you decide to buy the kit (go know you WANT to!)
**cardstock, papers - Frances Meyer**stickers (apart from JOY) - Frances Meyer**Buttons, JOY stickers - Rusty Pickle**
TITLE: ~*~ A Royal Visit ~*~
DATE: 12/08/2007 09:35:11 AM
Yesterday marked the first day of an exciting 5 days in Southampton - especially when you are in one way or another involved with {cunard}. We welcomed our latest queen to the city, the luxurious Victoria and it was such a shame that it had to be on a Friday morning when many people were working. She looked beautiful gliding down the Solent and tonight I am gonna be joining my colleagues as we are invited to "meet" her properly. We are invited to go on board for drinks, dinner and a theater production - I can't wait!
On Monday the naming ceremony will take place, undertaken by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall, accompanied by her husband The Prince of Wales. And on Tuesday she will leave her home port to venture on her maiden voyage. There will be fireworks displays and lots of action happening around the harbour. so if you are in the area, check it out.
I finally managed to get my 2008 Paperbag Calendar Kit on the site too. If you fancy a calendar for the new year with a difference, you can view and buy it {here}. While you are having a look around, I have now added some journaling spots too, which can be seen if you scroll down the screen {here}.
Now I will need to get ready for tonight - I have to leave around 15:00hrs and haven't even decided what to wear yet...eak!
TITLE: ~*~ Tim's Tag #4 ~*~
DATE: 12/05/2007 08:03:37 PM
I am totally surprised at myself that I am still keeping up with the daily {tag challenges} because everyone knows that I have the interest and attention span of a gnat...but much to my surprise I REALLY love trying out all these bits and bobs.
For {challenge #4} I had to get creative again as I neither had the felt pad (but believe me when I say that I am SO gonna get it), nor more than two different re-inkers and no even a nice stamp like in order to layer I just stamped an image on four small tags and used them on foam pads to raise the middle one. Yeah, yeah not very mind blowing but I like it *sticksouttongue*
Oh, before I forget you have to check out {this lady}. I "found" her by accident when unfortunately one of her submissions for the {rusty pickle blog}did not arrive in our inbox and after a couple of emails between us I checked out her blog. Can I say HOLY and MOLY?? Donna is so freakin' talented and I can't believe that I haven't come across her work before. Take some time yo browse around her blog and you probably end up (like me) drooling over her {etsy}store too - look at {these} and {that}. Makes you wanna wish you lived in her little store, hu?
TITLE: ~*~ Tag{gin'} along and tootin' ~*~
DATE: 12/03/2007 10:08:15 PM
Yesterday and today I managed to finish {challenge #2} and {challenge #3} from Tim Holtz's 12 Christmas techniques.
It is such fun to actually get those embossing powders out again and I even rummaged through my old rubber stamp drawer to get the old unloved background stamps out again.

Tag #2 is not all that - I have to say that I am actually rather disappointed with what I produced but at this moment in time it is all about trying things I didn't do before - if that mean a crap tag, then so be it. But Tag #3 I have to say is my favourite so far. Probably just because I love the background image and after three days I feel more confident blending colour together.
Can't wait to see what's up tomorrow.
As for my tootin'...well, I totally forgot that I had a tag and a card published in {paper trends} until my friend {gina} scanned the pages in and posted them on {scrapitude} for me to see. I am SO stinkin' proud and can't wait to get my copy in the mail.
I can also finally share this layout online, which was done for {scrapbook inspirations}, a super sketch by Vanessa Matthews and I TOTALLY enjoyed the challenge. It was just so perfect for the picture and the Rusty Pickle Transparency made the ideal title, don't you think?
Ugh, I have just realised that this year I am NOT ready for Christmas AT ALL. No cards done yet - yikes. There will definitely be no presents for anyone this year - we are so skint and the repairs around the house have left us totally without any pennies to spare, so apologies to all my friends but this little elf has to sit it out this year. But next year I'll be back with a bang!
N ow I need to go and try sell some stuff on Ebay so I can buy myself some yummy {stampers anonymous} goodies.
TITLE: ~*~ Another 12 day challenge ~*~
DATE: 12/02/2007 09:49:09 AM
If you thought that I would be busy enough playing along for the "12 Days of Christmas" challenges at {scrapitude} then you better think again, as by sheer accident I stumbled over {this}.
Obviously, Mr Holtz has seen my post on his blog that I we have 12 challenges going and he quickly decided to do the same....JUST KIDDIN'!!!! But I am playing along - not because he has prizes up for grabs but because I think that Mr Holtz is the best teacher in the Scrapbooking world and his instructions even help stupid old me to use techniques I never dared doing before.
So, last nigh I finished the tag for {challenge #1} and I am pleased with how it turned out. Of course it is not a patch on what Mr Holtz did, but at least I overcame my fear of blending inks together.
As I did not have the Tim Holtz crackle paint yet, I had to use my crackle medium and it didn't come out the way I hoped but it still is OK, I think. The blending bit was fun, and I couldn't help using a Skull stamp for my image.
Don't forget to check out our 12 challenges too because there are many more fun projects to come. And the winner, our Diva Elf will get a prize pack from Rusty Pickle...ooooooohhhhhh
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