Saturday, 18 August 2012

Crochet Art - Lillian Crespi

When I have been looking across the net for some crochet art, I came across this awesome spider web:

This is something I would love to attach to my bamboo fence as I think it would look awesome. The pattern looks totally doable:

I tried to find out more about the artist, Lillian Crespi but to be honest the only thing I can find is the entry accompanying the above image on the Sculpture Key West site. It's a shame because I would have liked to have seen some more of her work.


  1. That is gorgeous and would look wonderful in a garden, you must make one of your own!

    1. That's what I thought. It would look awesome on my balcony

  2. So cool...I wonder what that spider looks like?!

    1. Oh gawd....but then again. If you have a crocheted spider, you can unravel it rather than being scared, right?

  3. OMGosh, that is SO fab! You gotta make one, Kim!


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