Sunday, 17 June 2012

Back home

Just a quick heads up that I am back from the hospital - pretty sore and tired but at least I am home.

The hysterectomy went well but I was not best pleased at how I was looked after (or rather not) at the hospital, but that is something between the NHS and I and they will certainly get to know my views. Seeing how complimentary I have always been about their Day Surgery Care I am very upset and angry at how my three day stint went down.

Anyway, I am back home now and Mr P is fussing over me, which is nice :)


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon. Ginny

  2. Welcome back! I hope that you begin to feel much, much better very soon. That is a particularly difficult surgery to get through and so they really should have treated you with the utmost care. There is no excuse for that and I hope that you are able to have a nice little discussion with them about that.

  3. Pleased you are home Kim. Hope you feel better soon. Really bad that you weren't treated well. Sending some healing hugs!!!xx

  4. Glad you are home and recovering. sending our love and hope the healing goes smoothly

  5. oh my goodness, so sorry to hear you are having to recuperate from that type of surgery. Feel better soon. xo!

  6. Glad you are home safely my friend!! But sorry to hear they were lacking in their care treatment at hospital. :( At least Mr. P is making up for their lack!

  7. Glad you are home safe, hope you recover soon! Sorry your NHS stay wasn't good. Make sure you follow the guidelines and rest and don't strain yourself!

  8. Oh I missed that you went in as have not had much time for blog reading lately. Glad to hear it went well but sorry to hear that the aftercare was not very good :( I hope your recovery goes well, enjoy the downtime!


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