Sunday 30 January 2011

DT work and a new obsession

I can't believe that I have forgotten to share my second project for {{Upsy Daisy Designs}} this month...and to think that I already had this one completed in December! Shame on me...

This is another layout I created specifically for a call from {{Scrapbook Trends}} which asked for layouts using punches. But asa it wasn't picked up I can now share it here.
The DT focussed on the two latest lines and I chose {{Avalanche}} for this particular layout. Shame that Mr P and myself look like twats in this picture, but I guess you can't win them all...

** click on image to enlarge**
Cardstock: Staples ** Papers, Rub Ons: Upsy Daisy Designs ** Mist: Cosmic Shimmer ** Punches: Stampin' Up; Woodware; Martha Stewart

And have I told you about my new obsession?
I never "got it" when I was younger and thought knitting was so much cooler, but since I have failed so badly with my last three knitting projects, I decided to try something different. Seeing I already had the yarns, why waste them. And seeing that my friend {{Trace}} did wonders with her crocheting I bought myself this book.

I started to think that I was not normal though (no funny remarks, allright?!!!??) because I could only figure the moderate to difficult patterns out easy, but the apparent easiest of the lot, the {{Granny Square}} had me in tears. No matter what and how, I could not understand it - maybe it was too simple?

Then one day it clicked, when once again I chose a more intricate design which was similar to the Granny Square and all of a sudden I understood and within the matter of one evening I produced this lot:

Since then I have done the same amount again and this evening will start to crochet them together as I should have half my blanket completed.

But all of that did not stop me from completing another one of my {{Art Tags}} 

C = Colour
Colour is an important part of my life. I love to surround myself with colourful things, our front room is painted in different hues of purple, our hallway is red, the kitchen yellow, our bathroom turquoise. And for some time now, colour has entered my craft space too

Tag: WHSmith ** Papers, Stickers: Sassafras Lass ** Other: Alphabeads, Embroidery Floss
** click on image to enlarge **

And last but by no means least - in fact, I saved the best for last....because I am really REALLY in love with this card.

The current challenge at {{Kenny K's Krafty Girlz}} is asking for "my favourite things". 
Well that was easily achieved:
Take papers and stickers from {{Sassafras Lass}}, throw in a few {{Jenni Bowlin}} alphas, combine it with Cosmic Shimmer and colour the {{Biker Chick}} from Kenny K with {{ProMarkers}} and you have an overload of my favourite crafty things.

**click on image to enlarge**

Saturday 29 January 2011

Sketches to Scrapbook - Winter Release

Do you have an iPhone?
Do you like Sketches?

Then I am sure you have heard of this fabulous app {{Sketches to Scrapbook}}, right?
The super talented {{Anam}} cooked this baby up last year and due to its success created another release, which is available to purchase {{here}}. You can also get yourself a lil' taster version for FREE {{here}}.

I am terribly excited to say that for this app two of my layouts are featured as well...wooooohoooooo. You can now carry me with you on your iPhone :))).

Here are the layouts I created for the sketches

** click on images to enlarge **
Cardstock: Bazzill ** Papers: Upsy Daisy Designs ** Stickers: Rusty Pickle ** Mist: Cosmic Shimmer ** Other: Pearls

Papers: Upsy Daisy Designs ** Stickers: American Crafts ** Punches: Stampin' Up ** Other: Pearls, Alphabeads

And I forgot I did a card too!

Cardstock: Papermill ** Papers: Upsy Daisy Designs

And for a limited time, you are able to snag up the first release at a sale price {{here}}

Oh and I am giving away one FREE app of the new release for one lucky commenter. Just tell me what it is you like about sketches - I will draw one random winner in 14 days

Thursday 27 January 2011

Style Challenge #11 - Scallops

Can you believe it that this is my last post as an ODD girl??? 
My recent term finishes this month and I am pretty sad to be "normal" again *snorts*. But just because I am no longer on the {{Some Odd Girl}} DT, doesn't mean that I am falling out of love with the images....I mean, HELLO??!??? you have all seen over the last year how much I embraced those cuties and I will continue to use them (and all the new lushness that Kristy has up her sleeve) on my projects in the future.

But enough of the violins...let get to the point of this post which is the recent challenge over at the {{SOG Blog}}. We wanna see scallops on your projects - check us out and play along for your chance to win some FREEBIES :)))

For my tag, I have used the {{Love}} image from the latest release.

** click on image to enlarge **
Cardstock: Papermill ** Papers: Upsy Daisy Designs ** Stickers: Making Memories ** Other: Pearls; Punches; Ink; ProMarkers

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Zap - Sass ♥♥

Have you noticed?
Have you?

You must have....

I have started to scrap with BRIGHcolours and funky patterns. I know, right?!!!!?!! That is SO not me, I prefer to stick to my trusted earthy (= boring) tones and be on the safe side.
Something happened to me last year when I made us of my {{October Kit}} which was chukka with brightness.

I also realised that I don't need to be scared of {{Sassafras Lass}} papers anymore. Actually, I lost my "hiding-under-the-table-sucking-violently-on-my-thumb" Sass-phobia almost to the day a year ago. One of my DT commitments at the time for (what I still believe to have been the best Monthly Kit Club around) Scrapmuse saw me being faced with a pizza box full of Sass. I was hyperventilating, lower lip quivering and I was contemplating right then and there to quit my DT spot as I was so totally intimidated by those papers.

After a day of serious thumb-sucking I fell in love.
With Sass products full stop (even stickers...and I am NOT a stickers person).
And created some of my all time favourite layouts, like these two: a combination of Sassafras Lass and 
Bella Blvd

** click on images to enlarge **

A few days back I shared my recent most favourite layout, which was also created using Sass products and here is another one - total Sass 

** click on image to enlarge **
Cardstock: Bazzill ** Paper, Stickers, Stamp: Sassafras Lass ** Punches: Stampin' Up, Woodware ** Mist: Cosmic Shimmer ** Pearls: Quixotic Papiere

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Winner Winner - Chicken Dinner

Well, I enlisted the help of my trusted assistant, Random Org and this is what he said

Congratulations AMY!!!! 
Come on down and claim your prize :)
E-mail me with your address details so I can get the goodies in the post for you!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave their lovely comments, I really do appreciate it.

And before I go, here is one of my favourite layouts I have done so far this year. Old picture, old stash - new favourite

** click on image to enlarge **

Paper, Stickers: Sassafras Lass ** Other: Gesso, Cosmic Shimmer, Alphabeads

Sunday 23 January 2011

Art Journal A-Z

I am not a fan of art journals because for some reason I don't see the my mind I already put my "art" into my layouts, cards and projects, so why would I need a book on top of it? But I am not dissing anyone who loves creating those journals - there is some stunning artwork out there, for sure - it is just not me.

Or so I thought.

One day I came across the blog of {{Jan}} who decided to create an art journal of a different kind - using tags. Can you imagine my delight at this idea? You know how much I love dabbling with tags and this idea just sounded too good to miss.

I thought about what is important to me when I create and thought that an A-Z art journal would be perfect for using up my scraps and playing with textures and techniques. So, I got myself another lot of buff shipping tags from WHSmiths (20 for £1.99) and got jiggy with it 
(I always wanted to say that).

A = Art Journal
This acts as my "cover" for the journal. I am not sure yet if I just want to string all the tags together on one huge book-ring in the end. Another thought was that I get myself a smaller kraft ring-bound book and glue them all in there when I am finished...oh the choices

Tag: WHSmith ** Paper, Stickers: Sassafras Lass ** PearlsQuixotic Papiere ** Bakers TwineSupply Owl ** Mist: Cosmic Shimmer ** Pens: Uniball Signo (white), Zig Millenium (black) ** Other: Alphabeads, Buttons

B = Bubble Wrap
I love bubble wrap - it brings out the kid in me...I dare anyone to have a piece of bubble wrap in their hand and NOT pop one of those blisters. You can't, can you? 
It must be the most versatile product ever: it protects things, you can use it to stamp with it and it is a fabulous stress reliever - just pop those lil' buggers until there is no tomorrow.

Tag: WHSmith ** Paper, Stickers: Sassafras Lass ** PearlsQuixotic Papiere ** Bakers TwineSupply Owl ** Mist: Cosmic Shimmer ** Pens: Uniball Signo (white), Zig Millenium (black) ** Other: Alphabeads, Buttons

And while I was in a creative mood, I made another mini card. I find that while I overload my layouts and tags with lots of product, I enjoy my cards more simple these days...funny that.
I enter the card into the recent challenge over at {{Totally Paper Crafts}}, where the requirement calls to "add a heart". I am totally in love with this heart shaped sentiment from {{Some Odd Girl}}, it was perfect for this challenge!

Cardstock: Mad About Scrapbooks** Paper, StickersSassafras Lass ** Bling: Kaisercraft ** StampSome Odd Girl **  Pens: ProMarkers 

Saturday 22 January 2011

Anny Challenge - Mini Card

So, have you been playing along to challenges so far during the One Year Anniversary bash of 

Well you know that one of the BIG prizes is sponsored by these guys, right?
Yah, I thought that would get your attention...if you missed the previous run-down of the challenges, check the skinny out {{here}} and get your azz movin' because you only have a few more days left to get your schtuff linked :))))

Today's challenge is a favourite of mine: Mini Cards...they are quick to do and let's face it - we all have little card stock cut off's lying around, no? As I scrap either in 8,5 x 11 or 6 x 8,5, I have quite a few strips of card stock left over when I cut my 12 x 12 sheets to size. I generally just put them to the side and when the fancy takes me, create a lil' card.

Like this:
** click on image to enlarge **
Cardstock: Hero Arts ** Paper: Cosmo Cricket ** Stamps: Some Odd Girl "Royal Love" ** Tools: ProMarkers, Tracing Wheel

And in other news I am excited to say that one more I am a

As of now, I am part of the {{Twisted Sketches}} layout Design Team and I cannot wait to get started.
Check out the announcement {{here}} and see the other wonderful appointments

Thursday 20 January 2011

Thin Lizzy

** post updated with questions answered **

If you are on Facebook and haven't lived on another planet for the last couple of months, then you would be painfully aware that I had been counting down the days until {{Thin Lizzy}} played in Southampton.

Now, I am not a huge Lizzy Fan - I do like their music a lot, but the main reason for getting the ticket was undoubtedly the fact that my future husband, {{Mr Campbell}} was joining them during the first leg of their European Tour. An added bonus was that the man behind the mike was {{Ricky Warwick}}.

I met up with a girl I knew from the {{Def Leppard}} forum and we were lucky enough to nab the space at the front, right between Mr Campbell and Mr Warwick...stud muffin heaven for me :))))

The show as absolutely ace - the sound was great, the fans and band were rockin' for two hours. When Lizzy play again in Southampton, I 'll be there again.

Oh and the icing on the cake for me was the end of the show, when Mr Campbell threw his guitar pick in my direction and I caught it straight away...yah, I's fate -> the first of many gift from the future hubster maybe?!???

 jo said...

Ricky's looking mighty fine nowadays!!! Was Darren Wharton playing with the band Kim?

20 January 2011 13:49
Yup, he was Jo - and looking good. He enjoyed himself like no one else - he grinned the whole time through and had obviously oodles of fun. The only picture I have of him is this:

** click on picture to enlarge view **

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Happy Birthday SOG!!!

Wow, wow, wow - I can't believe it is 12 months to the day that {{Some Odd Girl}} was born. And on the 30th of January I created my first every card using one of {{Kristy's}} images. Check the post out {{here}}, if you like.

We started off this week on the {{Some Odd Girl Blog}} with some challenges and if you want to be in win a chance to win yourself some freebies - hop over there and play along. There are many more challenges coming up and you will be pleased to know that there are also some for your kidlets...yup.

In honour of {{Some Odd Girl}}'s 1st birthday, I would like to share some of my favourite projects using the SOG images with you.

** Underneath each picture you will find the name of the digi I have used and you may notice that only some of them are linked up to the shop. There is a simple reason for this - from time to time there will be exclusive digi's available for sale but only for a limited time and then there are the monthly freebies. Some will turn into highly sought after digis and never again appear on the site, whilst others may be available later. All I can suggest is that when you see a digi you like - get it THEN and THERE as you never know when it may be retired **


** As always, click on any of the images to enlarge their view **

December 2010
using December Freebie DEARIE

November 2010
using SANTA

October 2010
using PUMPKINS (retired for the season)

September 2010
using HULA KAYLEE (special Freebie)

August 2010
using INCHIE

July 2010
using MOOEY

June 2010
using MERMAE

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

And there you have it - my favourite creations during my DT stint with {{Some Odd Girl}}

The other DT SOGgies have also blogged about their favourites. If you wanna check out what they have to share, why not join in our mini blog hop.

Kimmy - you are here already :)))
Robin F

For a chance to win yourself a set of six acrylic stamps - leave me a comment and let me know which one of the above cards is your favourite

Sunday 16 January 2011


Welcome to the {{ Some Odd Girls}} First Anniversary Celebration week!

Check out {{the blog}} to see a message from owner {{Kristy}} and to see what prizes you can win...

Here is one example

Yup, that's right the one and only {{Cosmo Cricket}} have a wicked prize up for grabs in honour of this anniversary week.
You are only going to kick yourself if you don't play along with us...

Here's a run down for the week:

16th - Kick off  - with a lil' fun question

17th - 1 Digis 3 Ways Challenge
18th - an Odd History ***one year TODAY!***
19th - Some Odd Girl Colors Challenge
20th - Kids Coloring Challenge
21st - Some Odd Elements Challenge
22nd - Mini Card Challenge

All challenges will be due by January 23rd at midnight EST with the winners announced on the blog on January 24th.  Entering in each challenge, which has its own prize, will also get you one entry in to our BIG draws for the BIG prizes.

Woot Woot!

Thursday 13 January 2011


Well, here it is - the layout to go with my word for the year. You can tell I am already much more focussed on living by my word seeing that it only took me two days into the year to actually create this layout :)

I guess right now I am thankful for being creative and inspired.

Of course I used the papers and cardstock from my {{January Kit}} and I surprised myself at how well I am dealing with the "pinkness" see, even though I love the colour pink, I have a hard time scrapping it - not this time though.

** click on image to enlarge **
Cardstock: Bazzill ** Papers: My Minds Eye, American Crafts, Cosmo Cricket ** Tag: Collage Press ** Stickers: American Crafts ** Chipboard: My Minds Eye ** Artisan Tape: Pink Paislee ** Buttons: My Little Bit Of Whimsey, unknown ** Borderpunch: Fiskars ** Other: Cosmic Shimmer, Pearls, Rhinestones, Alcohol Inks, Uniball Signo

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Watch Out

I know, I know - some of my long standing online buddies will remember the following picture and that I have previously scrapped it...but I always itched to do it again.

For those of you who don't know the story behind it:
When Mr P. and I went on a winter holiday (bearing in mind that Mr P. has been living in the South of England all his life, so snow is not something he is used to) we made a promise to ourselves. I always wanted to jump into some fresh snow and make a snow angel but Mr P. had other aspirations: to pee his name in the snow.
Yah, he did exactly that and this is why you should always follow the old saying to "Never Eat Yellow Snow" - you just never know when Mr P. has been in town :)))))

I used again my {{January Kit}} and the reason why this layout doesn't look too pink is because I used the reverse side of the papers (see, I am not as stupid as I look)

** click on image to enlarge **
Cardstock: Bazzill, Staples ** Papers: Cosmo Cricket; My Minds Eye ** Die Cuts: Cosmo Cricket ** Stickers: American Crafts; Cosmo Cricket; Making Memories ** Chipboard Shapes: Maya Road ** Other: Cosmic Shimmer; Buttons; Uniball Signo; Alpha Beads

Do any of you use Google Reader to organise the blogs you like to look at?

Well,I do and what I like even more are the recommendations Google makes to you with regard to blogs you may be interested in. This is how I found out about the wicked digi images of {{KennyK}}...I mean, how can you NOT love the Rock dudes???

Memba, when I said that I don't really love people images so much? Uhm, ya I am so over that statement already - because I seriously love those KennyK images - they are different and they have attitude with a capital "A".
I decided I may treat myself to one image per month - they are only $3.00 each so, why not, eh?

And while I was there, I saw they have a challenge blog too - so naturally I had to razzle up something quick for {{Challenge #26}} using the theme of love

I made us of their Freebie for the month and one of the Valentine's Images and created a tag and a card

**click on images to enlarge **
using: SUNDAE

using: HEART TEDDY BEAR (January Freebie)

Sunday 9 January 2011

Sketch Love

Crafting is really a funny old world - I used to love creating to sketches and for many years I thrived on being part of DT's making use of weekly sketches. I started with {{Pencil Lines}} which also gave me the chance to get to know {{Anam}} very well and we have formed a fabulous online friendship over the years. Which led me to becoming part of her first {{Twisted Sketches}} DT, which I adored. There also was {{2 Sketches 4 You}} - which really got me totally into making cards again.

Somewhere along the line I started to become intimated by sketches - and I stopped looking to them for inspiration. I carried on being the sketch artist for {{Upsy Daisy Designs}} but that was different because I drafted the sketches after I created my layout. 

A couple of weeks ago, I re-discovered Twisted Sketches and I am TOTALLY and UTTERLY into creating from sketches again. So, you will see quite a few cards and layouts popping up over the coming months, using sketches from challenges.

Let's start with the recent layout and card sketches from {{Twisted Sketches}}.

The twist for {{Sketch #083}} was to use the word "Time" which in my case is incorporated in the title..I scare myself sometimes being so clever *giggles*

** click on images to enlarge **

Layout - Times Square
Papers: My Minds Eye,My Little Shoebox ** Stickers: American Crafts, Rusty Pickle ** Chipboard: Cosmo Cricket

I also enter the layout in the recent {{ ScrapFIT #035}} challenge, asking to make use of your scraps and do a mixed alpha title.

And then there is the Twisted Sketches {{Card Challenge #041}}, with the twist of using "ribbon". Now, I am not too hot on ribbons anymore, so I am declaring the twine used as being my ribbon :)). I also used one of my older {{Some Odd Girl}} images. Generally I am not too much of a people stamp person - but who can resist {{Toby and Buddie}}??

Card - For You
Cardstock: Bazzill * Papers: 3ndypapir, Imaginisce * Digi Stamp: Some Odd Girl

But there is more....

The recent {{My Minds Eye challenge}} for layouts. 
Would you believe that the papers I have used here are from the {{Holly Jolly}} line? Nah, me either - they really do not look like Xmas papers at all, do they? That is what I love about MME - the flipside of the papers is generally totally generic and can be used for any theme *heart*

Layout - Mom
Papers, Die Cuts, Chipboard, Brads: My Minds Eye * Stickers: Rusty Pickle

Saturday 8 January 2011


Sorry to those of you who have seen a different post go up earlier today...
Had to re-schedule it as this post, right here and right now is the one that should have gone live.

First of all I am super delighted and extremely THANKFUL that one of my cards was picked up for submission by {{Scrapbook Trends}}. Two years of constant monthly submitting finally paid off and all I need now to make me even more THANKFUL is to have one of my layouts picked up by them :)))

Some of my Facebook friends may have noticed me being on a downer a few days ago, THANKFULly I managed to pick myself up again and start afresh. It just seemed that too much was going against me during the first 5 days of the year and I was facing unexpected bills, like the one from my dentist for £200.00 (approx $350.00) - right after we used our savings for a much needed couch...and then I got knocked back on every single submission for DT and magazine calls. Yah, I just needed to vent at that time and now it's off my chest, I can look again at being THANKFUL for what I have.

And isn't it funny that the days after I decided to grow up and stop whining, I get the call from ST?

But enough of all that. There is lots I have to share with you today - no worries: it's all positive :)

First of all the January Digi Day for {{Some Odd Girl}} has kicked off and this month, there is one challenge only and it is hosted over on the blog. Play along and be in with a chance to win  a digi stamp of your choice AND also a digi that no one else can purchase before March...wicked, hu?
See the requirements for the challenge {{here}}

The card I created for the challenge is making use of one of my older digi's - I have been itching like mad to use {{Buzzie}} for some time now but somehow it never fell together. Until today :)

** click on image to enlarge **
Dont forget: there is still some time for you to get your applications in for the {{DT Call}} at Some Odd Girl. 

That was not all I did today though - oh no. I am a layout and card churning machine...and I so wanted to play along to the fabulous challenges over at the {{MME blog}}. I will enter the layout challenge as well, but for now this card will have to suffice:)

**click on image to enlarge**
Everything on this card apart form the mist, the floss and the bling is from {{My Minds Eye}}.

But there is more...oh yes. But this time you will have to endure my face rather than my cards or layouts.
Thanks to {{this}} post from Kristy I have decided to play along to {{52 Week Project}} in which you take a self portrait of yourself every week of the year.

I went with the Mirror prompt (just as Kristy...yah, I am such a copy-cat) and the first picture is the one I like the most. 
Probably because I have gone totally against the grain and decided to take a picture of my in front of the mirror looking into the camera rather than into the mirror. 

And here are two pictures I dismissed but thought they were still ok enough to share.
I like the first one because you can still see the bit on the right hand side, where the mirror broke some years ago. And the stripes on and under my chin are actually reflections of light.

And the second one is totally blurry but I like the motion in it - and besides I wanted to have one picture which looked funky converted into black and white.

So, who else is doing the 52 Week project?