Wednesday 30 March 2011

Where oh where has the wonderful spring/summer-like weather gone?
I guess I shouldn't complain, after all I don't really want it that nice when I work...leave the sunshine for the weekends :)

Now that the clocks have gone one hour forward it is really nice that I get home when it's still light in the evenings - it makes me happy but causes my sleeping pattern some havoc. Good thing that there is CSI on back to back episodes every night.

I leave you with another {{GCD Studios}} layout - I just love their papers and cannot wait to see the selection of their papers which we receive in our {{Donna Salazar}} DT pack

Sunday 27 March 2011

Lily Bee and me...

...would you believe me if I told you that I never heard of {{Lily Bee Design}} until a few weeks ago?
I know!!! I must have been living under a rock. But I guess since I have started to use up all my old stash, I had no time to look around for new papers and just went with what was on hand.

So when my old DT teamie {{Jill Cornell}} told us about their current {{DT Call}} and one of their current DT members {{Virginia Tillery}} said how much fun it is to create with their product, I did something I generally never do: I bought some of their papers specifically to enter their call.

My general "philosophy" is that if I apply for a team, I have to LOVE their products and have to enjoy working with their stuff. I simply cannot submit to a call on a "just because" basis, especially if I haven't heard of the company before.

So, I have gone against everything I believe in this time because I fell in love with their papers the minute I checked out their product line. Within half a day of the papers arriving, I created these layouts and the card/tag combo which I showcased in {{this post}}

** P.S. Does anyone else have the same problem with blogger at the moment? The thumbnail for my pictures on here look all blurry but when you click onto them to see their original size, they are crisp and clear. Any ideas what the problem may be? **

So, their submission deadline is 31 March 2011, still a few nail biting days ahead of me before I will learn if I am part of the team.

One thing is for sure though - whether I get accepted or not, Lily Bee is HIGH on the list of my fave manufacturers right now and you can expect to see many more projects using their product on my blog. If I had some spare cash I would buy the recent {{Jump & Jive}} Kit from Noel Mignon, which features the newest Lily Bee releases
picture courtesy of: Noel Mignon

Last but by no means least, I created a wee tag for the recent challenge over at {{Some Odd Girl}} - how fun to play along again at my old "hunting ground" :)

Tag: Rusty Pickle * Papers: Sassafras Lass, American Crafts, Lily Bee ** Digital Stamp: Some Odd Girl ** Stickers: Jenni Bowlin

Have a fabulous Sunday everyone

Friday 25 March 2011

Birthday treat

Mr P took me out for my birthday yesterday (even though today is the "proper" day - thanks to everyone who has left me well wishes on Facebook), as it is always so full everywhere on Fridays. we decided to go for a nice pub-crawl on the Thursday.

The weather was kind to us and if my stupid walking boots wouldn't have given me blisters it would have even been better...but I enjoyed it nevertheless.

Every morning when I get up, I have to pinch myself because I am so lucky to be blessed with youthful looks. I mean seriously - do I look remotely like someone who turns 50 in three years time? No botox no facelifts or anything like that, just your generous helping of Red Wine or Beers on the weekends with a few Pizzas and chocolate thrown in, is all the beauty regime I need :))

But I digress - our day out was really nice, we left at lunchtime and got back home by about 20:00hrs, I fell into bed completely knackered from all that walking about an hour later and slept and amazing 12 hours (pretty much unheard of these days...the older I get the earlier I get up, usually muttering the word "I have to get up, my back is killing me"....yeah, I may look quite young but my body is telling me I am an old fart)

Today, I am re-charging the batteries and tomorrow - weather permitting - we are going to have another walkabout along the seaside while the sun is showing her face.

I leave you with a layout I created for the recent {{Sassafras Lass challenge}} to use blocking on your page...phew, tell you what I am not doing very well with having to use rectangles or squares in a set way to block a picture. I am generally so all over the place that this proved a real challenge for me. But I am super pleased with the outcome in particular considering it only took me two hours to finish this one.

** click image to enlarge **

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Twisted Sketches #93

And we are live with another fun sketch and twist (swirl), which you can check out {{here}}.

This is my take on it.

Cardstock: Bazzill ** Papers: Scribble Scrabble, My Minds Eye, Cosmo Cricket ** Stickers: Sassafras Lass, Rusty Pickle ** Other: Embroidery Floss, Pearls, Buttons, Alphabeads

This is another layout created with the contents of my {{March Kit}}, which brings my total to a respectable 3 for the moment

Tuesday 22 March 2011


And in other SUPER EXITING news...have a look-see

That is one super-special gig for me, purely because of the way it came all together...

You see, I applied for the {{GCD Studios}} DT spot, as I love the Product Designers they work with one of which being {{Donna Salazar}}.
At the same time Donna held a call for her DT as well and I was seriously contemplating applying for that gig too, because I love Donna's style, her products and the various manufacturers who produce some of her stuff

Yeah, I know - that's the mother-load, right?

So, I was ooohming and ahhing but thought it would be really greedy to go for both, GCD and Donna, seeing that you also get GCD product if chosen for Donna's Team - what if I would have gotten both? That would have been unfair to other crafters. I have to stress though that I was never under the impression that I seriously WOULD get both gigs but you just don't I just kept the GCD submission going.

Then I got an email from Heidi Sonbul, the GCD DT Coordinator who advised me that she forwarded my submission to be also considered for Donna Salazar's call and my heart jumped with joy!
How cool was that?

The GCD DT reveal came and I was sad not to see my name on the list and when the GDT was announced and I didn't make that list I became even sadder - only to find and email from Donna herself a few days later  in my inbox, inviting me to join her team!!!
OMGosh, I was so over the moon happy - It was SO meant to be becoming part of Donna's team and I cannot wait to get started.

Oh and another quirky thing surrounding this DT call - a few months back one of my older (as in I have known her for quite some time) online friends came across my blog again and we started to "re-kindle" our friendship - only to find out that we are BOTH on Donna's team now...if that isn't fate, then I don't know.

Thanks for letting me be so exited about it.

By the way, I will be offline for a few days as it is my birthday on Friday and I have taken the next two days off.So Mr P is taking me out - and seeing that this old woman her needs five days these days to get over a hangover, don't expect any sensible posts from me this week :)))

Sunday 20 March 2011

WIP - Sunday

What a marvellous day it was was yesterday - almost like a summer's day; so what did I do?
I stayed in and scrapped...yah, I am THAT pathetic.

In my defence I was anticipating that today would be as brilliant and sunny as yesterday, so we decided to do all our "doings" like cleaning up the balcony and re-potting plants today..well, that backfired good and proper.

On the other hand, I got quite some stuff done and might still do my "gardening" later on if it stays dry.

As for my weekly WIP update, you will most possible get a I-have-seen-THOSE-before-for-sure-moment looking at the picture, and you would be right. This was a previous WIP seen{{here}}, but while I carried on with the blanket I noticed that I made a mistake with the alternating pattern.
Of course you could argue that it may not be noticed by others, but the thing is I KNOW it's wrong, so it will stick out like a sore thumb to me. So, I unravelled what I previously did and started again (not the individual squares but the joining together bits). This time I fancied a white edge along each triple set, so this is where I am at right now

But I also managed to create another pillow case (my fave so far), it only took me two days of ferry travel to finish it

And to finish of my weekend post with the traditional paper-crafty-bit, let me share a tag and card with you.
Happy Sunday everyone!

Tag: Rusty Pickle ** Papers: Lily Bee Design ** Other: Embroidery Floss, Zig Millenium pen

Cardstock: Papermill ** Papers: Lily Bee Designs ** Stamp: Papermania ** Ink: Stampin' Up

Friday 18 March 2011

Wednesday 16 March 2011

I wish...

...that bloggers TAKE their blimmin' annoying word verification OFF. I generally try to comment on every blog I visit and to those who have left a comment on mine but I really don't have the time and patience to waddle through a plethora of verification words. If you are so worried about spam (which I never see on any of the blogs which don't use verification), enable comment moderation. It makes life easier for everyone.

...that car drivers in this country would have to re-take their license every year. The amount of motorists who SPEED LIKE HELL when the traffic light turns amber and subsequently run through a red light once they get there, is frightening. You simply CANNOT ever cross traffic lights when it shows green for you and you see a car approaching if you value your life. Drivers please remember - it is not always adults crossing the roads, children have no idea that you all seem to forget that amber = slow down.

...that I am still within a chance to get to the second interview stage for the job I applied for within our company. We were all supposed to hear whether or not we would be going forward by then end of last week, beginning of this. Hmpfh - patience is NOT my middle name

Now that I had my rant for the month, here's a layout I created with the contents from my {{March Kit}}. I love the look on Mr P's face....he is not impressed that his Nan is pulling him into the picture :))

Sunday 13 March 2011

WIP - Sunday

Another busy week for me and my hook - I just love that you get almost instant gratification when crocheting.

As for this weekends' work in progress let me show you a peek of my almost finished pillow case. I haven't made up my mind yet if they will a present or if we keep them for the bedroom. Right now, they make me happy whenever I look at them :)))

I actually finished a wrap-around-case for my hooks and wee scissors, but I messed that one up completely when I started sewing it I have to have another bash next weekend.

Again, I have not neglected my obsession with paper and glue and been busy getting some of my DT assignments done through to April (yay me) and did a few cards and tags along the way too.

The first one is a tag I created with some left-over papers from my GCD Studios stash - after my unsuccessful attempt in 2009 I tried out for their DT again, but didn't get picked. No big deal, I just carry on regardless.

This tag was also created for the wonderful BUTTERFLY BLOG LINK PARTY, which one of my online buddies {{Eva}} is holding. Click on her name to get taken to the post where you can link your own creation using a butterfly  
Actually I am quite surprised at myself: I got knocked back from Sassafras Lass, GCD Studios AND I totally blew my interview for a new position within our company, but I am still in a good mood and worry more about my next crochet project rather than being upset. 

And here is a card I created for the current challenge over at {{Kenny's Krafty Girlz}} where the theme calls for ribbons, lace and bows.

I am so in love with this month's Freebie...another thing that makes me happy just looking at it :)
And clever me, I made use of my {{March Kit}} for the card, which means I now have my total goal for the cards achieved for this month. Now to focus on the remaining three layouts :)))

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Twisted Sketches #91

The most recent challenge and sketch are up over at {{Twisted Sketches}}.

Come and play along with us and tackle the twist of: Chipboard

I have combined my {{Upsy Daisy}}  DT layout for the month with the sketch.
Our assignments this month was a multi-photo layout.
Man, I do struggle with those and even plonking two photo's on one page gave me a real headache...

Cardstock: Bazzill ** Papers, Rub Ons: Upsy Daisy Designs ** Chipboard heart: Maya Road ** Other: Embroidery Floss, Alphabeads, Paint, Cosmic Shimmer, Pearls

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Clickety Click

I have been busy with my {{March Kit}} so far - but I can't show all of the layouts yet as one if for a later 

But here is one layout and card I can share.

Papers: My Minds Eye, My Little Shoebox, Scribble Scrabble, Cosmo Cricket ** Stickers: Sassafras Lass, Rusty Pickle, Making Memories ** Other: Cosmic Shimmer, Alphabeads, Punchinella, Embroidery Floss

The card was done with the left overs from this layout and for the life of me I cannot remember where I got this digi stamp from. It was a Freebie and I have had it for way over a year....if anyone knows, please leave comment as I would love to give credit where due.

Cardstock: Bazzill ** Papers: My Minds Eye, Scribble Scrabble ** Digi Stamp: unknown ** Stamp Sentiment: my STAMPbox ** Pens: ProMarkers

Sunday 6 March 2011

WIP - Sunday

I can't believe another week has just seemingly whizzed by again...on the other hand, I seem to be whizzing through all my projects too :))

Since last week I have finished three layouts, two cards and crocheted two pillow cases...oh yes.

Here is what I am working on right now - you may recognise these blocks from my last week of February {{WIP post}}

Once a month I order a selection of my fave yarn (Patons FAB DK) from {{Purple Linda Crafts}} and I was waiting impatiently to place my March order so I could continue with the above blanket. The squares you see above hooked up a total of 300g of Patons. Now I have another 300g here and can continue :)
Once I finished this lot of squares I decide if I want to make the blanket larger or if that is it - so for the time being, the blue blanket will remain my WIP.

But I finished two pillow cases...yay!
I am not 100% sold on them but for my first two attempts they are not too shabby 
(and they fit with our couch)

And here is one of the layouts I finished up

Cardstock: Poundshop ** Papers: GCD Studios ** Tag: unknown ** Journaling Spot: Collage Press ** Other: Bakers Twine, Cosmic Shimmer, Masking Taoe, Deco Tape, Embroidery Floss

Please keep you fingers crossed for me and send my good vibes if you have some spare time on Tuesday morning. I have an Interview lined up - same company I work for but a different department.

Happy Sunday everyone

Friday 4 March 2011

Upsy Daisy Designs - DT March PT I

I love the month of March - no only because it is my birthday in March but also because it is the start of Spring. 
♥ Spring - the scents, the brighter days, the first blooms....*sigh*

So, for my first reveal of the month for {{Upsy Daisy Designs}} I wanted to include flowers to celebrate the impending beginning of Spring.

Card - Happy Birthday
Cardstock: Bazzill ** Papers: Upsy Daisy Designs - #AVA016. Wipeout, #AVA015. Summit, #VO012. Chic ** Other: Cosmic Shimmer, Embroidery Floss, Uniball Signo Pen

Card - Thank You
Cardstock: Papermill** Papers: Upsy Daisy Designs - #AVA016. Wipeout,  #VO012. Chic , #SYLA013. Everglades, #SYLA004. Expedition** Other: Embroidery Floss, Zig Millenium Pen

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Create Your Own Kit - March 2011

I am doing really well with my Kits so far - having started in September 2010 I am now on my seventh Kit and I have to say that this was the best idea I have had to get myself working on the stash I had at my fingertips.
Whilst it is of course great to have all the latest papers and embellishments, it should be more important to actually use what we already have.

I was a bit disappointed that I did not fare so well with my {{February Kit}} - I totally failed it and I guess it is due to the colours...I got totally bored and depressed looking at those earth tones, which is why I only managed the grand amount of ONE (= pathetic attempt) Layouts...ugh.

For the March Kit I wanted to go with some colour again and which better one to use than the one that still scares the living daylights out of me: YELLOW...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. It is the most underrated colour in crafting, I think and the reason is probably that I am not the only one being intimidated by this colour. That is also why I have set my attempted goal higher than usual, as you will see at the end of the post.
You may, correctly, say that not all the papers you see below are in fact yellow, but that is just because I decided to take a picture of the flip side of the paper. The picture looked totally boring when I showed all the yellow there!

** click on image to enlarge **
3 sheets of 12 x 12 cardstock from Bazzill
2 sheets of 12 x 12 double sided papers from Cosmo Cricket
1 sheet of 12 x 12 double sided paper from Prima Marketing
1 sheet of 12 x 12 double sided paper from Sassafras Lass
1 sheet of 12 x 12 double sided paper from My Minds Eye
1 sheet of 12 x 12 double sided paper from Scribble Scrabble

Attempted goal:
2 cards - Achieved
{{ For You }} ** {{Hmm}}